April 9, 2020

Clarifying your “Yes!”

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What is the most important thing for you right now? How clearly you answer this question will determine how well you are able to maintain healthy boundaries. With all the changes that Covid-19 has brought into our lives, healthy boundaries are essential. Here are some questions to help you establish or rediscover healthy boundaries:

  1. What relationships are most important right now? How can you invest in these relationships while maintaining healthy distancing?
  2. What do you need to do to deepen your relationship with God? This is the first and most important relationship you have, and it is the source of your ministry and love of neighbor. How can you’re your time with God become more intimate and personal to nourish your own soul in him?
  3. Are you taking advantage of your extra time with family? Yes, they can be frustrating, but this time can be a special gift from God if you have the right attitude. Is your family being blessed by your extra presence with them?
  4. When does work begin and end? Are you maintaining clearly defined hours of work (or looking for a new job)? How much work is enough for today? Are you being overly responsible or a workaholic in order to cope with stress?
  5. Speaking of stress, are you using healthy coping mechanisms? What is your body telling you about your current boundaries? Are you tired, angry, or anxious? Do you need to take a nap to help with the extra stress load we are all carrying?
  6. What brings you joy? Are you taking time to care for yourself? Rest, exercise, mental health and emotional health should all be priorities.

The key to maintaining healthy boundaries is finding clarity on what you must say yes to. This will give you the freedom to say no to anything that might get in the way of your more important yes. What are you saying yes to that should be a no? Who is hearing your no, that should be hearing yes?

As you prayerfully establish new boundaries, I pray that you will find greater joy and freedom in Christ and a deeper love for your neighbors.

Sean Nemecek