March 8, 2024

Leadership Resource of the Year!

The Weary Leader’s Guide to Burnout:
A Journey from Exhaustion to Wholeness


From the Article:
Evaluated by A.J. Swoboda, an associate professor of Bible and theology at Bushnell University; lead mentor for the Doctor of Ministry program on spiritual formation and soul care at Friends University; and the award-winning author of Subversive Sabbath.

In this book, readers are introduced to a treasure trove of biblical, theological and practical insights to help them navigate the leader through self-care and revitalizing practice in a world of profound unhealthiness. In particular, it does a masterful job of integrating issues relating to mental, physical and emotional well-being—areas too often overlooked in Christian circles. At a time when pastoral burnout is seemingly on an ever-rising ascent, Nemecek offers a compelling and much-needed resource to reimagine that, indeed, there’s another more prophetic way to exist than the template the world offers.

Order Your Copy Today!

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