
Hope for pastoral families in transition and in the stress of ministry life
View Programs
Clergy Coaching

A clergy coach will help you be more effective and intentional in ministry by becoming your “Thought Partner.”

Once or twice a month you will meet with your coach to identify your ministry goals and priorities, strategize about how to reach them, and overcome obstacles that crop up along the way. Your sessions may take place via video chat/zoom.

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PRO-D Assessment

How does a ministry leader gain perspective on their role, enhance their self-awareness and sharpen their sense of call? The PRO-D Assessment can help – combining a comprehensive online assessment with a follow-up discussion with a certified consultant.

Completed on-line, the PRO-D assessment is then reviewed with a trained consultant in a session typically lasting 90 minutes to two hours.

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PIR Program

The Pastor-in-Residence (PIR) Program is specifically designed for pastors and ministry leaders in a place of forced transition.

It is an individually tailored process so that the exited pastor and their family can find hope and begin discovering the next steps God might have for them.

PIR Program

Program Features

  • An encouraging environment - You will have the opportunity to be welcomed in a Refuge Church for a period of 6-12 months.
  • Support and accountability - A support team based in the Refuge Church will be formed.
  • Ministry Opportunity - In specifically selected ministry opportunities during the course of the process.
  • Re-tooling experience - Participation in an assessment of individual passions, skills and styles (PRO-D Assessment).
  • Jumpstart to Ministry - The shape of God’s calling for your future can begin to be discerned.

Fast Facts
Program Overview
Refuge Church
The heart of the PiR program

A Refuge Church is a local church characterized by grace, a vision for restoration, and a willingness to serve God’s servants. Members within the congregation, trained by PIR staff, form the support structure for the program.

Refuge Church

How it Works:

  • Refuge Church receives a ministry family into its fellowship for a period of 6-12 months, displaying the love of Christ in practical ways.
  • A Support Team from within the congregation is appointed to meet with the ministry family on a regular basis in small group format.
  • The Refuge Church supports the ministry family as they make the many adjustments in daily living that come with being exited.
  • The ministry family is integrated into the life of the church and community where they might take an active part in local ministry.
  • The Refuge Church encourages their ministry family through prayer, hospitality and listening care as they prepare to be restored.

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Workshops & Seminars

PIR Ministries staff are ready to provide workshops and seminars to assist pastors, ministry leaders and congregations engage with the challenges and opportunities that ministry life presents. Bringing experience and practical insights to the issues of ministry health, staff members of PIR Ministries are prepared to speak to churches, ministry gatherings, retreats and conferences on a variety of topics - addressing the challenges of ministry life and health.

Workshops and Seminars

Topics Can Include:

  • Church Leader's Soul and Life
  • Pastoral Leadership
  • Conflict Management in Congregations

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Sabbatical Planning
We have assisted a growing number of pastors and church leaders in crafting meaningful and restorative sabbatical strategies leading to greater ministry health.

Sabbatical Training
PIR Ministries can help develop a renewal plan for those pastors actively serving leadership roles who, in conjunction with their local church leadership, wish to address a significant issue in ministry life proactively – before an exit occurs.
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Sabbatical Planning Toolkit
The PIR Clergy Sabbatical Toolkit will take you through the entire process of developing a robust sabbatical policy for your church, help your pastor plan their sabbatical, and work through many of the issues you will face. This comprehensive toolkit can be used as a walk-through guide, or you can simply use the parts that look helpful to you. 
Sabbatical Training
You will get access to nearly 4 hours of video and the right to make up to 25 copies of the PDF workbook for your church. This workbook contains a guide for each video that includes discussion questions and next steps. It also includes helpful planning documents and worksheets, a guide to funding sources, listings of places to stay, and many helpful articles. In addition to all this, you get two direct consultations with PIR’s staff — one for the church and one for the pastor.
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Team Alignments

Team Alignment focuses on transformational leadership and allows teams to reconnect by focusing on the individual and collective strengths of people within an organization. Our program is tailored for teams in any context, and at any level across the organization. It is uniquely suited for multi-staff or first-time pastoral situations.

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