To My Fellow Cultivators of Peace

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. – Matthew 5:9
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness. – James 3:17-18
Dear fellow cultivators of peace,
To say we are living in tense, agitated and noisy times is a gross understatement. Unfortunately, the one place that should be a refuge from the discontent has also become a battleground – and you have been in the thick of it. Since signing up for a brief stint as interim pastor for my home church, what I knew you were facing as stories were shared in conversations and online has become a present reality.
We are all trying to chart a course of peace in the storm of countless opinions, varied interpretations of both Scripture and events and preferences disguised as “convictions.” It has been a challenge not to opt for the easy path of peacekeeping.
I am grateful that you see the larger, more substantial issues that live beneath the surface of what comes your way and have faithfully addressed them as His under-shepherd.
I understand the weariness that comes with doing just that. These three things have helped me stay the course:
knowing that I am being a child of the God of Peace when I work to cultivate a culture of peace,
experiencing the grace of wisdom that He provides so that I can manage my anxieties first, and
realizing that often the business that people need to do with Jesus happens to pass through me.
I thank God for you! I thank God that though it may take every ounce of courage you have, you have put your hand on the tiller and done the hard work of calling God’s people to Gospel peace. May the cramp you feel as you hold onto that tiller be eased today by the power of His Spirit – and knowing you are not alone.
May you know His delight in you as His child.
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